Tailored Tutoring

Children in primary and secondary schools often need support to achieve their potential. Your child may be a fluent reader but perhaps this doesn’t flow over to comprehending the text or making inferences.

Children in primary and secondary schools often need support to achieve their potential. Your child may be a fluent reader but perhaps this doesn’t flow over to comprehending the text or making inferences.

Areas of weakness in comprehension, reading and writing often impact on other curriculum areas, including mathematics, science, and H.A.S.S (Humanities and Social Sciences)

All curriculum domains require good comprehension and reading skills to interpret questions, process information and scaffold texts. If reading is difficult, the meaning of the text can be misinterpreted or altered, causing difficulty when answering questions or writing short answers.

There are many types of tutoring available and it’s vital that you find the right one for your child’s unique needs. If you need to be at home, then online tutoring may suit your family. Be aware that this is a different platform and if your child requires a more focused approach and support, then it may not be the best fit.

Other tutoring services may only help your child complete homework tasks and are not designed to target areas of weakness. It is vital that the area of difficulty is identified and remediated to improve outcomes and results.

Estelle believes that a ‘band aid’ approach may continue to cause anxiety and stress to the student, resulting in an ongoing challenge throughout their learning journey.

Tailored tutoring is a service provided by Estelle that supports and encourages learning in a one on one environment, ensuring that each lesson is purposeful, targets outcomes and helps develop self confidence. An initial consultation is recommended to discuss background information and make connections in other areas such as health, diet, speech, processing, and language deficits.

In addition, tailored tutoring is also offered to children requiring extension in literacy and mathematics. If your child has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) giftedness, twice exceptional (2E) or is neurodiverse, (ND) then a tailored approach to learning, may be beneficial. A strong rapport between Estelle and the client is well established as she also believes in mentoring her clients whilst addressing learning outcomes.

Estelle also offers tutoring in National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) and Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) to support and encourage students through this process.

Within the tailored tutoring process, Estelle believes in a holistic approach which includes ‘parents as partners.’ Estelle will guide parents through the tuition process and provide them with strategies and support to assist at home. This ensures that your child is receiving a collaborative approach to learning which is valued and encouraged by all parties. Estelle will liaise with schools and allied health professionals regularly, to ensure that all members involved with the child are brought together to enhance learning outcomes.
Tailored tutoring can achieve optimal results when parents, tutors and students work together. Consolidating skills at home, helps support the tuition process and assists in cementing concepts taught. It is vital that this collaborative approach is embedded in the tailored tutoring process in order to achieve the best outcomes for the child.

Estelle offers mentoring programs for parents and caregivers, providing strategies and learning tasks to assist parents in achieving the best learning outcomes for their child.