
Home-schooling rates are escalating for a variety of reasons. Covid-19 restrictions impacted lives across the globe and families instantly became teachers at home. Many families were overwhelmed by the pressure placed on them, not only to educate their children but also to work from home.


Home-schooling rates are escalating for a variety of reasons. Covid-19 restrictions impacted lives across the globe and families instantly became teachers at home. Many families were overwhelmed by the pressure placed on them, not only to educate their children but also to work from home.

Children are unique and whilst there are outcomes aligned to development, past theories placing children in year levels doesn’t suit everyone. There is a broad spectrum of needs and difficulties that include mental health, self-regulation, sensory challenges, developmental delays, AD/HD, ASD (autism spectrum disorder), 2E (twice exceptional) Dyslexia and Giftedness. In addition, children are often nervous starting a new school year and can become very anxious. Identifying the anxiety and implementing strategies to support them is an important first step.

Other ‘roadblocks’ interfering with their achievement are the limited resources in schools. There maybe 24 or 25 children in a class, all working at varying levels and with many associated challenges. Additionally, children who are going through the diagnosis process (which may take six or eight months) do not attract any additional support, making it extremely difficult to assist them. Teachers are inundated with an excessive workload but without any additional resourcing.

Gifted or twice exceptional students are also at educational risk, as they are not being suitably accommodated academically, leading to school refusal and inappropriate behaviour, in the classroom and playground. Consequently, many families have decided to home school their children.

Parents that begin to home-school their children may perceive it to be a relatively easy job to educate their children, but soon realise it is an incredibly difficult situation to find yourself in. You will need a good understanding of the curriculum and how to teach and evaluate it. Additionally, this becomes more complex when you have more than one child to educate at home.

Upskilling parents to ensure they are appropriately educating their children and not just providing worksheets is paramount. Estelle provides support to these families by implementing an integrated and holistic approach to home-schooling.

Embedded in this process is an academic program tailored to the needs of individual children which addresses their unique profiles. Estelle also provides educational assistance to parents and families in their planning and assessments to ensure academic outcomes are achieved. Furthermore, if you have a child that is neuro-diverse, Estelle can support you with an appropriate curriculum, strategies, and outcomes to address.